You don't need gas chambers when neglect works as well, look at how Anne Frank died,
very little outrage.
A huge thanks to, for the below link(s)
"we are better than Buchenwald is no a justification for concentration camps
a shitty thing is still a shitty thing no matter how you label it
And here in a nutshell,is why America is where she is today,, Imagine 30 million voters like her and she is just average. AVERAGE! that means there are like 15 million voters more stupid than her...GET THE FUCK OUT, AND VOTE BLUE!!! Signed, the rest of the world, (Except Russia and China because you are now weak with stupid leaders).
The world is hopeful America can pull out of this nosedive...Except for Russia and China because of the sheer stupidity of the elected and appointed leaders makes America weak and stupid, oh so very stupid.
Cheap things to have for long distance cruising
A camping egg container. Hard plastic (Ooo, I know plastic) for storing eggs. Not needed in North America, but elsewhere, where the eggs are not washed, they will store un-refrigerated for over two weeks on the counter. So I have been told. My dozen eggs don’t last me 4 days as I am a voracious egg consumer.
My cholesterol levels are awesome.
Zip-loc bags,
ALL sizes! From sandwich sized to store and transport cell phones, medium sized ones to transport ipads and/or tablets and giant ones to store precious chart books. Buy boxes of them!
Ask us what has happened to our ipad and one or two cell phones....And a DRL camera, though we had no bag around to contain that camera, R.I.P.
That’s it for now.