This is too cool for the cruisers in your life, No power required water maker. Power consumption on a sail boat is everything. We sailors are power misers by necessity. A good story about chasing an illegal long liner fishing boat asshole of a fishing boat.
Day 11.....or 12 of the quaratine. Time melds. This is going to last more than a month. I will be satisfied if even takes a year. I expect this is way worse than what we are being told, and we are being told it is bad. I would be extatic to be wrong about that.
We decided to stay put in Guatemala even before the borders were shutdown. We felt it way safer than going to an (shudder) airport anthen boarding an (double shudder) virus incubating aircraft. I'd rasher lick a toilet seat on a cruise liner, (just kidding there).
Guatemalan congress is kicking around the idea of extending the quarantine another 30 days. Which is a damn fine idea for our species.
the wif is starting a minor food bank to try and aleviate some hardships of the hardest hit families, I know, a drop in the bucket, but hey, it's something.
Some locals grumbling about foreigners, so I figure they must subscribe to that hate filled propaganda machine, Fox News. Low IQ, low information people know no skin tones I guess.
There is an idiot yank down here who want the wall bigly. He has been living here in Guatemala for years. He has the self awareness of a dog licking its nuts in public. He has since scurried back to Florida, and recommenced his public nut licking. Some people.
All in all the hardships have not been all that horrendous, but as a fromer hospital worker, I know on bad bus crash can cripple a hospital, let alone a pandemic.
We wash, we clean, we have a bucket of soapy, bleachy water and everything gets wipes down before it goes below. We will survive.