Monday, June 3, 2019

A crappy person, Lionfish culling, and what I don't do while at sea anymore:)

What kind of schmuck gets this gig, not professional at all.

Invasive species gets a lickin', Lionfish.

Here is what I an now not doing while at sea; thanks to Micheal Penner for this, Protecteur supplying Algonquin

     When we decided to do this sailing full time I was in my 40's in debt and only had a small, 25 foot boat, our first boat, with no name. We called it a training boat.

     While sailing the Coronado, I jokingly said to my wife we should get a bigger boat and do this permanently. She said that was a perfect plan. Plan? What plan?

     She became the driving force behind the whole thing. Took a decade to become debt free, that was hard, very hard. She found us an affordable blue water cruising boat and we were able to cut the docklines on my 55th birthday!
 She was 46. (Youthful but still my boss!).

     On our living room wall we put up a huge whiteboard some thing like the size of a sheet of plywood.

     There was no rules for what went on the board; destinations, projects, courses and things we wanted. You get the idea, it was a brainstorming conference which worked out quite well. Things started out quite organized but as with all things sailing, it literally started going askew. Thing wrote down in a rush went on at an angle etc. We never erased a thing when it was written even though we used dry erase markers.

     We didn't erase anything because we felt if it was important enough to put it on the board in the first place, it should remain even if we discarded the idea later, who knows, it might become favourable again!

     We only put four destinations on it;
-Rio Dulce, Guatemala for hurricane season
-Machu Picchu, in Peru, Machu-Picchu.
-Angkor Wat, in Cambodia, Angkor Wat

    We are in Rio now these past 8 months. Work is slow as I get two small pensions we parse out the money sparingly. Wouldn't have it any other way. At 57 I am retired and doing what we planned!!! 


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