Here I am jubilant after getting two (2) ridiculous hard to get to bolts off the shaft coupling. No, the shaft is still there:(
Did some damage to the prop nuts. Had to apply the fire wrench, (heat), to them, bent and destroyed the threads. Not a big deal, says the man who has bent and destroyed things his whole career. I will just braze up the end, machine it down to size and re-thread it. Eazy-peasy.
Rail after she sanded them. Don't know why I did not snap a photo after she oiled them up. My wife is a trooper, after this, she went below, stripped her top off and went shoulder deep into the diesel tank. Grease all over her....Sexiest stoker alive. Sorry, no pictures allowed to be posted.
2 1/2 jerry cans of cleaned diesel fuel. That is 50 salvaged litres! $$$. Once the fuel tank is thoroughly mucked out, (it was awful!), we will pour the fuel back in. We ran out of rags! Anybody else got a wife who jumps in to do a filthy job like that? I am one lucky S.O.B!