Friday, May 10, 2013

Portable fuel polishing system

I went to Ontario Boat wreckers,, and scavenged a couple of fuel pumps and filter assmbles and made my self a fuel polishing system for about $150.
It is not the most powerful beast, but the plan is to fill our boat from jerry cans, through this set up. I am also going to clean the tank soonest.

The second fuel pump will be plumbed in the existing fuel supply to the mighty perkins and used if the mechanical fuel pump gives up the ghost sometime in the future.

Other than the Racor filter, ($27), the second most expensive part the the $19 cutting board from Target,

You may have noticed I am able to make links. Heh, heh.


  1. Great Job! I don't know if you saw the one I made, but I found a rally powerful pump on eBay for around $100.. It worked great. Check my blog if you wanna have a look at it..., Kyle
    P.s. you are doing really well with your project! I had never hear of Ontario Boat Wreakers.. How big is the place? Are there good deals? Let me know...

    1. Sorry for very late reply, I just activated my notifications:( Ontario boat wreckers cover many acres and in my opinion, worth at least one trip a year.
      Hey, really enjoying your blog Kyle.

  2. Thanks a lot for such an amazing and nice post,.
